AMSGMC: Faith in the sound
‘We perform for the acceptance of the gay community in all its diversity – a diversity that’s reflected in the many talented singers and dancers of our chorus.’- AMSGMC
Spoken language of this program: English
A selection of the Amsterdam Gay Men’s Chorus (due to corona it won’t be the complete chorus) performs during the COC’s Shakespeare Club corona-safe at the premiere of their film AMSGMC: Faith in the sound. In a movie filled with singing and dance and with personal stories, the members of the chorus share their personal stories. They tell us about their background (15 nationalities!), their place within the chorus and the meaning of singing and dancing together in a time when many members are home alone, without family or loved ones. Their origin, age (ranging from 25 to 75), race and preferences, they show the diversity of the Amsterdam gay community. We are happy to welcome them for the third time at the festival.
Prior to the film, delicious bitch Nutella Versace will host a live minishow with members of the chorus. Afterwards, the film becomes part of the online exhibition (and city collection) coronaindestad.nl, an initiative of the Amsterdam Museum.
You can stop by at own risk, but this program can also be followed via the livestream in our Facebook event and/or on our website: www.shakespeareclub.nl/livestream
- Livestream volgen via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/734212787316011/
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