Homonologen – digital theater performance for youth
Spoken language of this program: Dutch
‘If I like a boy very much, does that mean I am gay? Could I kiss a girl? Do I have to leave the team if I admit that I don’t really feel like a boy or girl? And when will I share what I feel with others?’
During the digital theater performance Homonologen, the makers of Live Your Story and Jong & Out will talk with young people about the search for yourself and for love and how this affects your relationships with friends and family. They answer viewers’ questions and provide a new and inclusive way of looking at gender identity and sexual diversity. Topics of conversation will be labels (Am I a-gender, a non-binary or don’t I want to be labeled at all?), coming out (Do I have to tell everyone because or can I keep it to myself?) and the reaction of peers and family (Will things work out with people who do not seem to accept me as I am?).
Afterwards, Jong & Out will join the performance to talk with and listen to the public and their questions.
This program is pre-registered. It is therefore mandatory to register in advance.
- Vooraf aanmelden voor deze Zoom (verplicht) via: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkdeCqqzorGdfmPaERa-pxxn1visHnVwmI
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