Pride talk with All Inclusive Summerlottery
Spoken language: Dutch
How do marginalized LGBTIQ + groups feel about Amsterdam’s Pride Week? Is there enough space for their own group? Do they feel sufficiently represented? What is going well, what needs improvement? Questions like these will be asked of these marginalized LGBTIQ + groups during the closing event of Shakespeare Club. Everyone is welcome to submit questions in advance that we will ask during the program. Through this dialogue we want to increase mutual understanding so that we can take better account of each other.
The talks will be alternated with the All Inclusive Summer Lottery, the festive frame. There is a large number of very diverse prizes to be won that support LGBTIQ + entrepreneurs in the Netherlands and Suriname. The term “entrepreneur” varies from catering to artists and creatives. Buy your lottery tickets for 5 euro here!
Your host this evening will be Dolly Bellefleur, icon of the LGBTIQ + community. The marginalized LGBTQI+ groups will be represented by Survibes Foundation, LGBT Asylum Support, the Secret Garden Foundation and the Stichting Prisma Groep. The event is initiated by Sanjay Ganpat Brouwer Foundation, an organization that focuses on improving the lives and living conditions of LGBTQ + and/or HIV-positive fellow people in Suriname.
This event was empowered by Bob Angelo Fonds.
For now this program won’t be open for public, but can be followed via the livestream in our Facebook event and/or on our website: www.shakespeareclub.nl/livestream
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