Taking Care of our Queer History – Virtual Tour through the Amsterdam Museum by Luna Lunettes
Spoken language of this program: Dutch
(Video premiere)
During COC’s Shakespeare Club you can join three virtual tours through the Amsterdam Museum. Special guides Xiarella Lewis, Richard Keldoulis and Luna Lunettes will share their personal choices from the collection of the museum and talk about the need to take care of queer history and the importance of a diversity of stories.
On 30 July, Luna Lunettes will be your tour guide. She is a theatrical MC and storyteller, is the alter ego of Carolien Steenkamp-Faaij and was born seven years ago when she first put on a top hat. Nowadays Luna is the mother of the Luna Lunettes’ Variety, a changing company of musical artists from the rainbow and queer community.
High-heeled and with a moustache, Luna takes you on this online tour of the museum and tells you, based on the objects we encounter and memories, about making choices (and pigeonholing), and gender. A personal and cheerful tour, though with a serious undertone, because freedom remains an ongoing process.
If you are interested in more lgbtqi+ perspective tours keep an eye on the New Narratives tours in the Amsterdam Museum.
Follow the program via one of these links:
the website
the Shakespeare Club-page
the COC’s Shakespeare Club-event
or, via the YouTube-channel of COC’s Shakespeare Club
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